Early May 2017 Davidson River and Pisgah Area

The Warm Days Of May Are Upon Us

...Or at least they should be.   This past winter was a mild one but it seems now that mother nature was feeling lazy, and just decided to average everything out from December to June.  The end of April brought a few warmer days. During a two day float on the Tuckaseegee River I was able to pick up a good sunburn on the back of my neck making it sufficiently red so as not to betray my birthright, heritage, and if fatalistically minded, my destiny.   

May came in with more rain, a sudden drop in temperature and a rise in wind speed.  Early May was akin to late March with 30 degree nights, snow at high elevations, high winds, and mid day hatches.  Our Sulphurs came off strong at the end of April and with the high water produced some great under water and top water action. They have now begun to fade into Cahills which will soon leave the river and hand it over to the Little Yellow Stoneflies known as Sallies.  Rumors of Drakes and Cicadas are showing up on social media and in riverside conversations and should be here strong by the end of the month.  

The amount of water we've been receiving should keep us flowing well into the beginning and middle of summer. The French Broad is starting to clear and Im looking forward to floating it for Smallmouth. The small streams have fished well through the spring and along with lower elevation rivers should continue to fish well into the terrestrial season when the trout switch from the aristocratic mayflies to the more proletarian ants, beetles and inch worms. 

The extra water has also contributed to the spreading out of the trout on the Davidson and the hapless and hopeful who pursue them.  Right now we have a steady flow of around 170 CFS and holding strong.  150 is about ideal for dry fly fishing and 200 for the nymph fishing. So that flow combined with the warmer temps predicted for the next week should make for some good fishing.

Thanks for taking the time to read and wishing wet hands, dry socks, loose shoes, tight loops and peaceful days to each and every one of you,
